全國素食年菜預購 台中素食年菜預購 全家素食年菜預購 素食年菜推薦 2017素食年菜推薦 台南素食年菜推薦 好吃素食年菜推薦 台中素食年菜推薦 北部素食年菜推薦 台北素食年菜推薦 嘉義素食年菜推薦 新竹素食年菜推薦 高雄素食年菜推薦 素食年菜做法 素食年菜外帶 台中素食年菜外帶 高雄素食年菜外帶 新竹素食年菜外帶 素食年菜外帶 台北 2017素食年菜外帶 板橋素食年菜外帶 中壢素食年菜外帶 桃園素食年菜外帶 台南素食年菜外帶 線上訂年菜 訂年菜 高雄訂年菜 訂年菜2017 訂年菜 台北 訂年菜餐廳 高雄訂年菜餐廳 嘉義訂年菜餐廳 台南訂年菜餐廳 中壢訂年菜餐廳 新竹訂年菜餐廳 基隆訂年菜餐廳 台中訂年菜餐廳 宜蘭訂年菜餐廳 台北訂年菜餐廳 台中訂年菜 7-11訂年菜 訂年菜 推薦 訂購年菜 訂購年菜推薦 台中訂購年菜 7-11訂購年菜 台南訂購年菜 高雄訂購年菜 新竹訂購年菜 台北訂購年菜 過年年菜 過年年菜 diy 過年年菜餐廳 台中過年年菜餐廳 台北過年年菜餐廳 高雄過年年菜餐廳 屏東過年年菜餐廳 台南過年年菜餐廳 桃園過年年菜餐廳 過年年菜餐廳預訂 阿基師過年年菜食譜 過年年菜推薦 過年年菜準備 過年年菜預購 過年料理 過年料理食譜 台灣過年料理 過年料理作法 過年菜 過年菜食譜 過年菜名 過年菜有哪些 過年菜菜單 過年菜餚介紹 開運年菜 開運年菜刮刮樂 開運年菜預購 7-11開運年菜 7-11開運年菜預購 7-11開運年菜dm 7-11開運年菜2017 7-11開運年菜目錄 7-11開運年菜好吃嗎 開運年菜食譜 開運年菜2017 2017開運年菜 除夕年菜 除夕年菜外帶 台中除夕年菜外帶 桃園除夕年菜外帶 除夕年菜外帶餐廳 高雄除夕年菜外帶 台北除夕年菜外帶 106除夕年菜外帶 台南除夕年菜外帶 彰化除夕年菜外帶 台南除夕年菜 台南除夕年菜外賣 台南除夕年菜餐廳 台南除夕年菜外送 除夕年菜餐廳 台中除夕年菜餐廳 桃園除夕年菜餐廳 台北除夕年菜餐廳 新竹除夕年菜餐廳 高雄除夕年菜餐廳 中和除夕年菜餐廳 除夕年菜餐廳推薦 除夕年菜訂購 除夕年菜食譜 高雄除夕年菜 2017高雄除夕年菜餐廳 台中除夕年菜 2017除夕年菜 預購年菜 全家預購年菜 預購年菜2017 預購年菜推薦 7-11預購年菜 預購年菜哪家好吃 台中預購年菜 高雄年菜訂桌 台南年菜訂桌 台中年菜訂桌 新竹年菜訂桌 台北年菜訂桌 草屯年菜訂桌 桃園年菜訂桌 宜蘭年菜訂桌 飯店年菜 飯店年菜2017 飯店年菜外帶 飯店年菜外帶2017 高雄飯店年菜外帶 台中飯店年菜外帶 台北飯店年菜2017 飯店年菜推薦 2017飯店年菜推薦 台中飯店年菜推薦 高雄飯店年菜推薦 新竹飯店年菜推薦 台北飯店年菜推薦 養生年菜 養生年菜食譜 養生年菜預購 養生年菜菜單 養生年菜訂購 養生年菜宅配 餐廳年菜 餐廳年菜訂購 屏東餐廳年菜訂購 素食餐廳年菜訂購 嘉義餐廳年菜訂購 年節好禮 伴手禮 台南伴手禮 台南伴手禮名產 台南伴手禮推薦2017 伴手禮推薦 台中伴手禮推薦 宜蘭伴手禮推薦 台南伴手禮推薦 花蓮伴手禮推薦 高雄伴手禮推薦 新竹伴手禮推薦 台北伴手禮推薦 台東伴手禮推薦 伴手禮排行榜2017 台北伴手禮 台北伴手禮排行榜2017 台北伴手禮名店 台北伴手禮推薦2017 台北伴手禮票選 2017台北伴手禮 台中伴手禮 台中伴手禮第一名 台中伴手禮推薦2017 高雄伴手禮 高雄伴手禮2017 高雄伴手禮排行榜2017 高雄伴手禮排行 高雄伴手禮票選 宜蘭伴手禮 宜蘭伴手禮2017 宜蘭伴手禮票選 宜蘭伴手禮名店 宜蘭伴手禮有哪些 伴手禮票選 十大伴手禮票選 台灣伴手禮排名 台灣伴手禮票選 台南伴手禮票選 淡水伴手禮票選 台東伴手禮票選 新竹伴手禮票選 基隆十大伴手禮票選 花蓮伴手禮票選 桃園伴手禮票選 嘉義伴手禮票選 伴手禮盒 過年伴手禮盒 高雄伴手禮盒 台北伴手禮盒 台南伴手禮盒 台中伴手禮盒 新竹伴手禮盒 伴手禮盒推薦 過年伴手禮盒推薦 台中伴手禮盒推薦 高雄伴手禮盒推薦 台南伴手禮盒推薦 新北市伴手禮盒推薦 年節伴手禮盒推薦 台南過年伴手禮盒 台北過年伴手禮盒 2017過年伴手禮盒 好吃伴手禮 台中好吃伴手禮 好吃伴手禮推薦 台北好吃伴手禮
INTIMIDATION: Protests and a verbal assault against Hong Kong lawmakers were aimed at telling them never to return to Taiwan, the vice chairman of a pro-unification group saidBy Abraham Gerber / Staff reporterSeveral people wearing masks confronted pro-localization Hong Kong lawmakers who arrived in Taipei late on Friday night, sparking allegations of an attempt by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to interfere with their meetings in Taiwan.Hong Kong lawmakers Edward Yiu (姚
松炎), Nathan Law (羅冠聰) and Eddie Chu (朱凱迪) arrived at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport after midnight and were confronted by more than 100 protesters associated with the pro-unification Patriot Association.Several people wearing masks and black clothes rushed toward the lawmakers as they walked into the airport lobby, shouting at them to leave Taiwan, before a pol
ice escort held them back, allowing the lawmakers to make their way to a waiting car.The incident raised suspicions of CCP involvement to hamper planned exchanges between the lawmakers and the New Power Party (NPP), which invited them to participate in two political forums over the weekend.“That there would be an attempted assault on Hong Kong legislators when they arrived is quite extreme. I can understand why the CCP is worried about exchanges between Taiwan and Hong Kong, but they should go back and re-examine the cause. The actions of the CCP is the reason there has been so much understanding between Hong Kong and Taiwanese groups in recent years,” said Lin Fei-fan (林飛帆), a prominent Sunflower movement activist, who said he drove the lawmakers to Taipei.The Patriot Association is widely seen as sympathetic to the CCP and has a history of violent confrontation, most recently attacking Falun Gong practitioners outside the Taipei 101 building.The China Unification Promotion Party (CUPP) has been tied to the Bamboo Union (竹聯幫) crime syndicate, and Lin yesterday accused the Four Seas Gang (四海幫) of also being involved.More than 300 demonstrators from the CUPP and other groups yesterday protested outside the NPP forum, wh
ich was guarded by rows of police officers and barricades blocking the main entrance of the building in Taipei.Protesters waved signs they said showed a fist smashing into a “Hong Kong-Taiwanese independence alliance.”Police escorted the lawmakers into the building.CUPP vice chairman Tseng Cheng-hsing (曾正星) said the protest was intended to “intimidate” the lawmakers and ensure “they do not come back again.”“Similar protests have taken place in Hong Kong and it is obvious that the CCP has been trying to manipulate patriotic feelings and pin labels on us,” said Law, who denied he supported Hong Kong independence, but promised exchanges with Taiwan would continue.“Last night was a bit extreme, but it reflected just how low the character of those who oppose exchanges are,” said Joshua Wong (黃之鋒), a Hong Kong activist who is secretary-general of Demosisto, Law’s political party.Separately, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) yesterday condemned an attempted assault on Wong, saying that violence is not the way to voice opinions in a civilized society.“I have asked the Taipei Police Department to protect our guests,” he said.The mayor said the incident could have provided an explanation for why, after the bene
fits Beijing has given Taiwan, Taiwanese have always been more affiliated with the US than with China.“Why do Taiwanese fear China so much? I think this is a question Beijing should think about,” he said.Additional reporting by Peng Wan-hsin and Sean Lin新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES
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